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What lanternfish can do, using organs called photophores NYT

We have found 1 answer for today's What lanternfish can do, using organs called photophores NYT crossword clue. It will help you solve today's puzzle. The crossword clue What lanternfish can do, using organs called photophores NYT leads to the answer GLOW.

by Shoba

Updated Oct 04, 2024


What lanternfish can do, using organs called photophores NYT

What lanternfish can do, using organs called photophores NYT Crossword Clue

Here is the solution for "What lanternfish can do, using organs called photophores" NYT crossword clue. Today's NYT What lanternfish can do, using organs called photophores crossword clue answer contanins 4 letters also we have provide the What lanternfish can do, using organs called photophores NYT Crossword Answer Explanations.

The answer the to the What lanternfish can do, using organs called photophores NYT crossword clue is "GLOW."

Lanternfish, belonging to the family Myctophidae, are remarkable deep-sea fish known for their ability to produce light through specialized organs called photophores. These photophores, which are found on various parts of their bodies, contain cells that can emit bioluminescence. This glowing ability serves several crucial purposes in their survival.

First, it helps lanternfish evade predators by creating a counter-illumination effect, blending in with the faint light from above, making them less visible in the dark ocean depths. Additionally, the light can be used for communication and mating displays, attracting potential partners or signaling to others within their species.

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