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"You're slaying!," to a drag queen NYT

We have found 1 answer for today's You're slaying!, to a drag queen NYT crossword clue. It will help you solve today's puzzle. The crossword clue You're slaying!, to a drag queen NYT leads to the answer WERK.

by J Nandhini

Updated Sep 11, 2024


"You're slaying!," to a drag queen NYT Crossword Clue

Here is the solution for ""You're slaying!," to a drag queen" NYT crossword clue. Today's NYT "You're slaying!," to a drag queen crossword clue answer contanins 4 letters also we have provide the "You're slaying!," to a drag queen NYT Crossword Answer Explanations.

The answer the to the "You're slaying!," to a drag queen NYT crossword clue is "WERK."

The answer "WERK" is a playful and empowering term often used in the LGBTQ+ community, particularly within drag culture. It is a stylized version of the word "work," used to express enthusiastic encouragement, admiration, or approval, particularly when someone is performing, dancing, or simply expressing themselves boldly and confidently.

When someone says "You're slaying!" to a drag queen, it means they are impressed with the queen's performance, style, or presence, and "WERK" is a celebratory response that amplifies this praise. It's a way of saying, "Keep doing what you're doing, you're amazing!" The term is deeply rooted in the culture of self-expression and celebration that drag embodies, making it a fitting response to acknowledge and honor the charisma and talent of a drag performer.

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