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  3. What's visible when wearing a crop top NYT Crossword Clue 5 Letters

What's visible when wearing a crop top NYT Crossword Clue 5 Letters

What's visible when wearing a crop top is a NYT crossword puzzle clue, that we have found 1 answer for this particular crossword clue. BELLY is a crossword puzzle answer for What's visible when wearing a crop top NYT featured in New York Times Crosword Puzzle.

by J Nandhini

Updated Aug 02, 2024


What's visible when wearing a crop top NYT Crossword Clue 5 Letters

What's visible when wearing a crop top NYT Crossword Clue Answer...

What's visible when wearing a crop top NYT all crossword clue answers with 5 letters updated below. Also we have given the What's visible when wearing a crop top NYT Crossword Clue Answer Explanations.

What's visible when wearing a crop top NYT (5). BELLY.

The answer to "What's visible when wearing a crop top" is "BELLY." A crop top is a type of shirt that typically exposes part of the midriff, leaving the stomach area visible. Therefore, when someone wears a crop top, their belly, or the area of the torso between the chest and the waist, becomes visible. This clue uses a straightforward and descriptive approach to identify what is prominently seen when wearing such a garment.

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