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  3. What drivers in New Jersey can't legally get on their own NYT Crossword Puzzle Answer on June 21, 2024

What drivers in New Jersey can't legally get on their own NYT Crossword Puzzle Answer on June 21, 2024

Uncover the answer for What drivers in New Jersey can't legally get on their own NYT crossword clue on June 21, 2024. The answer for What drivers in New Jersey can't legally get on their own NYT Mini Crossword is GAS.

by Sivasankari

Updated Jun 21, 2024


What drivers in New Jersey can't legally get on their own NYT Crossword Puzzle Answer on June 21, 2024

What drivers in New Jersey can't legally get on their own NYT Crossword Clue Answer

Players who are stuck with the What drivers in New Jersey can't legally get on their own NYT Crossword Clue, check out the expert answer here. The NYT Mini Crossword is a smaller version of a popular crossword puzzle featured in the NYT newspaper. It's a daily crossword puzzle that's known for its straightforward clues and relatively quick solving time compared to some more challenging crosswords. ​

What drivers in New Jersey can't legally get on their own NYT Crossword Clue this clue was last seen in the NYT newspaper on June 21 2024.


Solution or Answer to the What drivers in New Jersey can't legally get on their own NYT crossword clue is GAS

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Answer Explanation

The crossword clue "What drivers in New Jersey can't legally get on their own" with the answer "GAS" refers to a unique law in New Jersey that prohibits self-service gasoline stations. Unlike in most other states where drivers pump their own gas, New Jersey law mandates that only station attendants are allowed to operate the gas pumps.

This regulation, in place since 1949, is intended to ensure safety, convenience, and job preservation. As a result, New Jersey drivers must rely on attendants to fill their tanks, making the clue both a clever nod to local legislation and an interesting piece of trivia for those unfamiliar with the state's distinctive fueling practices.

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