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That which follows a catastrophe (9) Crossword Clue Guardian Quick Answer on June 20 2024

We have the answer for That which follows a catastrophe (9) Guardian Quick Crossword Clue, AFTERMATH is the answer for That which follows a catastrophe (9) crossword clue that will help you to solve today's Guardian Quick Crossword puzzle.

by J Divya

Updated Jun 20, 2024


That which follows a catastrophe (9) Crossword Clue Guardian Quick Answer on June 20 2024

That which follows a catastrophe (9) Crossword Clue Answer

Players who are stuck with the Guardian Quick That which follows a catastrophe (9) Crossword Clue, Check out the expert answer here. The Guardian Quick Crossword is a popular crossword puzzle featured in The Guardian newspaper. It's a daily crossword puzzle that's known for its straightforward clues and relatively quick solving time compared to some more challenging crosswords. That which follows a catastrophe (9) Crossword Clue This clue was last seen in the Guardian newspaper on June 20 2024.

Answer for That which follows a catastrophe (9) Crossword Clue

The AFTERMATH is the answer for That which follows a catastrophe (9) Crossword Clue.

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Answer Explanation

That which follows a catastrophe (9) Crossword Clue Answer is “AFTERMATH”. The word "aftermath" signifies the period following a significant or catastrophic event, often associated with the negative consequences and effects that result from such incidents. For instance, in the aftermath of a natural disaster like an earthquake or hurricane, there are usually widespread damages, loss, and a phase of recovery and rebuilding. Similarly, in the aftermath of a war, societies deal with the impacts of destruction, loss of life, and the need for reconstruction.

Etymologically, "aftermath" combines "after," meaning following in time, and "math," an old term for mowing or a crop. Originally, it referred to a second crop of grass grown after the first had been harvested. Over time, the meaning evolved to describe what comes after any significant event, particularly those of a disastrous or impactful nature.

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