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Not sleeping NYT

We have found 1 answer for today's Not sleeping NYT crossword clue. It will help you solve today's puzzle. The crossword clue Not sleeping NYT leads to the answer AWAKE.

by J Nandhini

Updated Jul 26, 2024


Not sleeping NYT

Not sleeping NYT Crossword Clue Answer...

Not sleeping NYT all crossword clue answers with 5 letters updated below. Also we have given the Not sleeping NYT Crossword Clue Answer Explanations.

Not sleeping NYT (5). AWAKE.

The term "awake" means not sleeping or being in a state of alertness and consciousness. When someone is described as "awake," it indicates that they are not in a state of rest or slumber but are fully conscious and responsive to their surroundings. This state contrasts with being asleep, where one is typically unaware of their environment.

The word "awake" can be used to describe both physical and mental states of alertness. For example, if someone has just woken up from a nap, they are said to be awake. Additionally, "awake" can also be used metaphorically to describe someone who is mentally alert and aware, as in "being awake to social issues."

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