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  3. Guardian Quick ​Plant with shoots providing panda food (6)​ Crossword Clue Answer on June 28 2024

Guardian Quick ​Plant with shoots providing panda food (6)​ Crossword Clue Answer on June 28 2024

Uncover the Guardian Quick answer for ​Plant with shoots providing panda food (6)​ Crossword Clue and we have 1 exact answer "BAMBOO" is the answer which has 6 Letters for ​Plant with shoots providing panda food (6)​ Guardian Quick Crossword Clue.

by J Divya

Updated Jun 28, 2024


Guardian Quick ​Plant with shoots providing panda food (6)​ Crossword Clue Answer on June 28 2024

​Plant with shoots providing panda food (6)​ Crossword Clue Answer

Players who are stuck with the Guardian Quick ​Plant with shoots providing panda food (6)​ Crossword Clue, Check out the expert answer here. The Guardian Quick Crossword is a popular crossword puzzle featured in The Guardian newspaper. It's a daily crossword puzzle that's known for its straightforward clues and relatively quick solving time compared to some more challenging crosswords. ​Plant with shoots providing panda food (6)​ Crossword Clue This clue was last seen in the Guardian newspaper on June 28 2024.

Answer for ​Plant with shoots providing panda food (6)​ Crossword Clue

The BAMBOO is the answer for ​Plant with shoots providing panda food (6)​ Crossword Clue.

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Answer Explanation

​Plant with shoots providing panda food (6)​ Crossword Clue Answer is “BAMBOO”. The word "BAMBOO" is a six-letter term referring to a type of plant that is known for its tall, woody shoots. These shoots are particularly significant because they serve as a primary food source for pandas. Bamboo belongs to the grass family and is characterized by its fast growth and sturdy stems.

Pandas, especially the giant panda species, rely heavily on bamboo for their diet, consuming various parts of the plant including the leaves, stems, and shoots. The relationship between bamboo and pandas is crucial, as the availability of bamboo directly impacts panda populations. This plant's resilience and rapid growth make it a sustainable food source for these iconic animals.

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