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Film spool NYT

We have found 1 answer for today's Film spool NYT crossword clue. It will help you solve today's puzzle. The crossword clue Film spool NYT leads to the answer REEL.

by J Nandhini

Updated Jul 23, 2024


Film spool NYT

Film spool NYT Crossword Clue Answer...

Film spool NYT all crossword clue answers with 4 letters updated below. Also we have given the Film spool NYT Crossword Clue Answer Explanations.

Film spool NYT (4). REEL.

The answer to the crossword clue "Film spool" is "REEL." A reel is a cylindrical device around which film is wound for storage, projection, or editing in filmmaking. Traditionally, film reels were essential components in the production and display of movies, particularly before the advent of digital cinema. Each reel holds a specific length of film, and multiple reels are often used for a single feature-length movie.

During projection, the film unwinds from one reel and rewinds onto another, allowing the continuous playback of the movie. The term "reel" is closely associated with the film industry and has become synonymous with the physical medium of film itself. Therefore, "REEL" is the appropriate answer to the clue "Film spool."

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