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  3. Feeling you might have while pacing the floor NYT Crossword Puzzle Answer on June 20, 2024

Feeling you might have while pacing the floor NYT Crossword Puzzle Answer on June 20, 2024

Uncover the answer for Feeling you might have while pacing the floor NYT crossword clue on June 20, 2024. The answer for Feeling you might have while pacing the floor NYT Mini Crossword is ANGST.

by Sivasankari

Updated Jun 20, 2024


Feeling you might have while pacing the floor NYT Crossword Puzzle Answer on June 20, 2024

Feeling you might have while pacing the floor NYT Crossword Clue Answer

Players who are stuck with the Feeling you might have while pacing the floor NYT Crossword Clue, check out the expert answer here. The NYT Mini Crossword is a smaller version of a popular crossword puzzle featured in the NYT newspaper. It's a daily crossword puzzle that's known for its straightforward clues and relatively quick solving time compared to some more challenging crosswords. ​

Feeling you might have while pacing the floor NYT Crossword Clue this clue was last seen in the NYT newspaper on June 20 2024.


Solution or Answer to the Feeling you might have while pacing the floor NYT crossword clue is ANGST

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Answer Explanation

The crossword clue "Feeling you might have while pacing the floor" with the answer "ANGST" refers to a deep, intense feeling of anxiety, worry, or unease. When someone is pacing the floor, they are often displaying physical symptoms of mental distress, which is characteristic of angst. This emotion can stem from various sources such as personal problems, uncertainty about the future, or existential concerns.

Angst is more than just everyday stress; it encompasses a profound sense of apprehension and fear that something bad might happen. By solving this clue, crossword enthusiasts identify "ANGST" as the word that perfectly describes this psychological state, highlighting its pervasive nature in human experience. This explanation underscores how angst can manifest physically, such as through restless behaviors like pacing, and emphasizes its impact on one's mental and emotional well-being.

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