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  3. Don't move when prostrate with lies, it'll all come out (3,5) Crossword Clue

Don't move when prostrate with lies, it'll all come out (3,5) Crossword Clue

We have found 1 answer for today's Don't move when prostrate with lies, it'll all come out (3,5) crossword clue. It will help you solve today's puzzle. The crossword clue Don't move when prostrate with lies, it'll all come out (3,5) leads to the answer LIESTILL.

by J Divya

Updated Aug 07, 2024


Don't move when prostrate with lies, it'll all come out (3,5) Crossword Clue

Don't move when prostrate with lies, it'll all come out (3,5) Crossword Clue

Here is the solution for "Don't move when prostrate with lies, it'll all come out (3,5)" crossword clue. Today's Don't move when prostrate with lies, it'll all come out (3,5) crossword clue answer contanins 8 letters also we have provide the Don't move when prostrate with lies, it'll all come out (3,5) Crossword Answer Explanations.

The answer the to the Don't move when prostrate with lies, it'll all come out (3,5) crossword clue is "LIESTILL."

"Don’t move when prostrate with lies, it’ll all come out (3,5) Crossword clue Explanation

The clue "Don’t move when prostrate with lies, it’ll all come out" uses wordplay to direct you to the solution. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Don’t Move: This part of the clue suggests staying still or not moving.
  • Prostrate with Lies: "Prostrate" refers to lying down, while "lies" plays on the double meaning of falsehoods and the act of lying down. Together, they hint at remaining in a lying position.
  • It’ll All Come Out: This implies that by staying still, whatever is hidden or deceitful will eventually be revealed.
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Understanding the Clue

  1. Don’t Move: Indicates the action of remaining stationary.
  2. Prostrate with Lies: Plays on the words "lie" (to recline) and "lies" (falsehoods), creating a pun that guides you to think about lying down.
  3. It’ll All Come Out: Suggests that remaining in this position will lead to the uncovering of hidden truths or lies.

The answer "LIE STILL" fits the pattern (3,5) and cleverly encapsulates the idea of staying in place to reveal the truth. This clue highlights how crosswords often use nuanced language and puns to craft engaging and challenging puzzles. By interpreting the play on words and phrases, you can uncover the solution and enjoy the puzzle-solving process.

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