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Common-or-garden Crossword Clue Guardian Quick Answer on July 03, 2024

We have the answer for Common-or-garden Guardian Quick Crossword Clue, BOGSTANDARD is the answer for Common-or-garden crossword clue that will help you to solve today's Guardian Quick Crossword puzzle.

by J Divya

Updated Jul 03, 2024


Common-or-garden Crossword Clue Guardian Quick Answer on July 03, 2024

Common-or-garden Crossword Clue Answer

Players who are stuck with the Guardian Quick Common-or-garden Crossword Clue, Check out the expert answer here. The Guardian Quick Crossword is a popular crossword puzzle featured in The Guardian newspaper. It's a daily crossword puzzle that's known for its straightforward clues and relatively quick solving time compared to some more challenging crosswords. Common-or-garden Crossword Clue This clue was last seen in the Guardian newspaper on July 03, 2024.

Answer for Common-or-garden Crossword Clue

The BOGSTANDARD is the answer for Common-or-garden Crossword Clue.

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Answer Explanation

Common-or-garden Crossword Clue Answer is “BOGSTANDARD”.

In British English, "common-or-garden" means something ordinary or typical. The solution is a combination of two words: "BOG" (a 3-letter word), which is informal British slang for a toilet or something basic and unremarkable, and "STANDARD" (an 8-letter word), meaning usual, typical, or expected.

Together, "BOG STANDARD" means something that is basic, unremarkable, or ordinary, perfectly fitting the definition of "common-or-garden."

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