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  3. Bird that has been used by the Dutch police to take down illegal drones NYT

Bird that has been used by the Dutch police to take down illegal drones NYT

We have found 1 answer for today's Bird that has been used by the Dutch police to take down illegal drones NYT crossword clue. It will help you solve today's puzzle. The crossword clue Bird that has been used by the Dutch police to take down illegal drones NYT leads to the answer EAGLE.

by Shoba

Updated Oct 07, 2024


Bird that has been used by the Dutch police to take down illegal drones NYT

Bird that has been used by the Dutch police to take down illegal drones NYT Crossword Clue

Here is the solution for "Bird that has been used by the Dutch police to take down illegal drones" NYT crossword clue. Today's NYT Bird that has been used by the Dutch police to take down illegal drones crossword clue answer contanins 5 letters also we have provide the Bird that has been used by the Dutch police to take down illegal drones NYT Crossword Answer Explanations.

The answer the to the Bird that has been used by the Dutch police to take down illegal drones NYT crossword clue is "EAGLE."

The Dutch police have employed eagles to combat illegal drones, showcasing a unique approach to modern law enforcement. This initiative arose in response to the growing concerns about the misuse of drones for illegal activities, including privacy violations and potential threats to public safety. Eagles, particularly the golden eagle, possess remarkable hunting skills and can easily spot and intercept drones in flight.

Training these birds involves conditioning them to recognize drones as prey, allowing them to swoop down and capture them with their powerful talons. This method not only effectively neutralizes the drone threat but also minimizes risks associated with more conventional counter-drone technologies, such as jamming signals or deploying nets.

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