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- A dash is a short one NYT
A dash is a short one NYT
by J Divya
Updated Aug 09, 2024
A dash is a short one NYT Crossword Clue
Here is the solution for "A dash is a short one" NYT crossword clue. Today's NYT A dash is a short one crossword clue answer contanins 4 letters also we have provide the A dash is a short one NYT Crossword Answer Explanations.
The answer the to the A dash is a short one NYT crossword clue is "RACE."
The crossword clue "A dash is a short one" in the NYT Mini with the answer "RACE" refers to the type of competition known as a race, which typically involves a short, fast-paced event. The term "dash" is often used to describe a brief, intense race, such as a 100-meter sprint, which is characterized by its brevity and speed. Therefore, "RACE" fits the clue as it denotes a competitive event that aligns with the concept of a "short dash."