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  3. A cube has 12 of them NYT

A cube has 12 of them NYT

We have found 1 answer for today's A cube has 12 of them NYT crossword clue. It will help you solve today's puzzle. The crossword clue A cube has 12 of them NYT leads to the answer EDGES.

by J Nandhini

Updated Sep 11, 2024


A cube has 12 of them NYT

A cube has 12 of them NYT Crossword Clue

Here is the solution for "A cube has 12 of them" NYT crossword clue. Today's NYT A cube has 12 of them crossword clue answer contanins 5 letters also we have provide the A cube has 12 of them NYT Crossword Answer Explanations.

The answer the to the A cube has 12 of them NYT crossword clue is "EDGES."

The answer "EDGES" refers to the 12 line segments that form the boundaries of a cube. A cube, a three-dimensional geometric shape, has six faces, all of which are squares. Each face is connected to adjacent faces along its edges. Since a square has four edges, and each of a cube's vertices is shared by three squares, the cube ends up having a total of 12 unique edges.

These edges define the cube's shape by connecting its eight vertices (corners). Understanding that a cube has 12 edges is a fundamental concept in geometry, and it helps describe the structural properties of this common three-dimensional shape.

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